The camping ticket decides the entrance to the campsite. You are only allowed to camp on the campsite for which you have the ticket.
Day visitors (guests without a camping ticket) can enter the festival area via an extra day visitor entrance.
There are different combinations possible, for example you can buy a VIP Camping Ticket with a 3-Day Full Weekend Ticket.
Important! Your camping ticket can only be scanned at the respective camping entrance! More information can be found here.
Main Camping Ticket = Main Camping entrance,
North Camping Ticket = North Camping Entrance,
VIP Campingticket = VIP Camping entrance,
Special Camping Ticket = North Parking (P4),
Easy Campingticket = Easy Camping entrance
Access rights of camping tickets:
With a VIP camping ticket you can also visit friends at Main Camping & North Camping.
With a North Camping ticket you can also visit friends on Main Camping and vice versa.
With a Main Camping or North Camping ticket you do not get access to VIP Camping or VIP Waterworld.
With a Special Camping Ticket VIP you get access to VIP Camping, Main Camping & the North Camping.
With the Special Camping Regular ticket you can also visit friends at Main Camping & North Camping.
Access to the Special Camping area is only possible for those who have a Special Camping Regular or VIP ticket.
With an Easy Camping ticket you do not get access to any other campground (Main, North, VIP, Special Camping).
Is it possible to camp on the Main/North Camping with a VIP Camping Ticket?
No, unfortunately this is not possible. Only visits are possible!